Mount Huangshan A - share
9.1 +0.1(+1.11%)

2019 / 02 / 01 09:30:00 (Beijing time)

Mount Huangshan B - share
1.195 +0.002(+0.17%)

2019 / 02 / 01 09:30:00 (Beijing time)

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Tourism+New Start from Mount Huangshan

Beautiful Huizhou, Small Town First Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd, utilizing the platform of a listed company, makes due contributions to citywide tourism and holistic tourism, and echoes the central strategy for rural revitalization. It tries to develop in holistic tourism and rural revitalization a special industry that will turn a small town into a new growth point for tourism.

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Integration of destination tourism resources and practice of supply-side economics reform To provide an all-round online service platform for tourists traveling to Huangshan City.

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Finish the work of project site selection and plan to build a tourism food culture complex integrating tourism, sightseeing, experience, dining, shopping, production and storage.

Strengthen cultural and creative tourism and retail scenes, and leverage the experience economy through cooperative innovation. New retail mode covers the whole area of Hunagshan

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Carry out strategic cooperation with the National Culture, Science and Technology Innovation Service Alliance to promote cave performance project in Huashan Mystery Cave; Enter strategic cooperation with Beijing Hanhe Culture Co., Ltd. and other companies to introduce Japan's Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, a world-renowned art festival, and promote the multi-format integration of tourism in Yimei town and the whole urban an rural areas.

Deepening the industry based on mountain spots
Scenic area
Travel agency
Hui cuisine
Star project

Mount Huangshan

It is the world cultural and natural heritage, world geopark, national AAAAA level scenic area, national scenic area, national civilized scenic area, top ten famous mountains in China and the best miracle mountain in the world.

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Taiping Lake

It is rich in tourism resources, the lake scenery is unique, the lake is clear and blue, the green hills are undulating, the water is graceful, the islands are scattered like beads, and it is known as "Huangshan Lovers", "Chinese Jade", "Pearl of the World" and "Eastern Lake Geneva".

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Huashan Mysterious Grottoes

Covering natural scenery and human landscapes, such as green mountains, clear water, idyllic scenery, millennium mysterious grottoes, rare peaks and rocks, cliff and stone carvings, temple, ancient architecture, etc., it is a comprehensive scenic areawith high taste and suitable for visitors of all levels.

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The first concept stock of Chinese tourism
Huangshan tourism HSTD
A - share 600054 B - share 900942


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