Stay true to the mission and forge ahead. The second venture of "Going downhill and going out" is a new responsibility and mission for Huangshan tourism. "Tourism+Internet" has become one of the important strategies for the development of Huangshan tourism in the new era. To improve the quality and experience of Huangshan tourism in a scientific and intelligent way and to adapt to the Smart Tourism era, Huangshan Smart Tourism Co., Ltd. came into being and opened a new chapter of Huangshan smart tourism.
Mount Huangshan, full of winter charm, is a fairyland on earth.
Ticket Service
1.We are an innovative service-oriented enterprise focusing on smart tourism construction in tourism destinations

Huangshan Smart Tourism Co., Ltd, established in 2018, is an innovative service enterprise wholly-owned by Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600054) to conform to the development of tourism market and modern information technology, focusing on the smart tourism construction in tourism destinations.

2.Our aim is to build a one-stop smart tourism service system of "food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment"

With Mount Huangshan Scenic Areaas the core, the company intelligently integrates the tourism resources in Huangshan City and its surrounding areas, gives full play to the brand advantages of Huangshan Tourism, and uses modern information technologies such as Internet plus, Big Data and artificial intelligence to build a Smart Tourism platform and develop offline tourism experience centers and service outlets, thus creating an online and offline integrated tourism product service system integrating food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment, and providing tourists with high-quality and proper tourism products as well as convenient and smart tourism services.

3.We can provide a rich variety of products for tourists

Category I:tickets for Mount Huangshan Scenic Area and cableway,mountain hotels, scenic hotels owned by the company and package products

Category II:Huangshan City and its surrounding tourism products. Mainly tickets, hotels, catering and tour package for Huangshan City and its surrounding scenic spots

Category III: a series of products such as car rental and chartering, and tour guides providing in Huangshan City and its surrounding areas

Category IV:commemorative commodities with local characteristics of Huangshan City and its surrounding areas and cultural and creative products of the company

4.We can provide tourists with multi-port access to the smart platform and meet the needs of different end customers

Wechat Official Account, Applets, Mobile H5 Official Website, PC official website, Fliggy e-commerce platform flagship store, etc. are all portals of Huangshan Smart Tourism official platform, which can meet the needs of users with different usage habit. Tourists can book tickets for scenic spots and hotels on Huangshan Smart Tourism Platform, which also provide car rental services and local guide services, preferential packages, special products and tourist routes, thus bringing about more convenience and benefits for tourists.

5.Our future is worth looking forward to

Step 1 is to establish Huangshan Smart Tourism Co., Ltd. in 2018 and realize the function of direct sales on Huangshan tourism official website and mobile terminal.

Step 2 is to achieve the integration of Huangshan City's tourism resources by 2020 to basically cover Huangshan and its surrounding tourism products, become the first of e-commerce tourism in Anhui and the first of similar e-commerce in China.

Step 3 is to achieve full coverage of the products of the international cultural tourism demonstration zone in southern Anhui by 2022 and become the first operator of similar platforms in China.
